Today’s Promise

March 19, 2025

You Walk by Faith

For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7

Every day, you have a choice to either live by faith or by what you can see and touch. Followers of Christ live by faith.

Walk by Faith

Growing Christians walk by faith. When you walk by faith, your focus is on the eternal, unseen world, not the temporal seen world.

Some people only believe what they see. They don’t understand that there is far more to life than what they can see with their eyes. Everything you see or touch will pass away, but you know there is an unseen, spiritual world that is connected to eternity.

Walking by faith is walking in the will and direction of the Lord. Walking by faith is living obedient to God’s Word and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

As you walk by faith, you understand that what you see and touch is just a tiny part of the real world. The invisible, eternal world is what really matters. The spiritual world takes priority over the physical world. What happens in the unseen world affects the visible, seen world.

The Evidence is Prayer

The evidence of living by faith is your prayer life. Those who live by faith understand the importance of prayer. Those who live by sight never bother to bow their knee in prayer. They rarely pray because they only trust what they can see and touch. You understand that when you pray, you release the hand of God and His invisible messengers to make a difference in the world around you.

Living by faith means trusting that God will do what He said He would do. You listen for His voice so you can obey. You hold onto what you have heard from God and believe that He will bring it to pass. If God has said it, you believe it.

You don’t live like the rest of the world. You know it’s not about what you can see but about your faith in Christ.

Let’s review today’s promise one more time.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. – 2 Corinthians 5:7

Make these confessions.

  • I live by faith and not by sight.
  • My focus is on the invisible kingdom of God.
  • I am trusting that what God has said, He will do.
  • I am listening for His voice and walking in obedience to Him today.

In Jesus’ Name,

Today, you have a choice. You can live by faith and God’s Word or live by what you see. I am praying you live by faith.

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Are you living by faith or sight?(Post your answer in the comment section)

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  1. Omer Hughes March 19, 2025 at 4:42 am - Reply

    By Faith in the Holy Father,Holy Son and Holy

  2. Tt March 19, 2025 at 6:09 am - Reply

    I am walking by faith for god is always with me.

  3. Karen March 19, 2025 at 7:14 am - Reply

    I am walking by Faith in Jesus Christ ?

  4. Travis Johnson March 19, 2025 at 10:17 am - Reply

    By both, I see evidence of God in His creation and give Him glory, and I trust in Him to save my soul.

  5. Denise Hines March 20, 2025 at 7:55 am - Reply


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