Today’s Promise

July 24, 2024

Your Prayer Accomplishes Much

Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.
James 5:16

The Power of Prayer
Prayer is never a waste of time. Praying is more than talking to yourself. As a Christian, your prayers make a difference. When you pray, God hears and answers.

Prayer is a powerful weapon. When you pray, you connect with God and release the power of heaven into any situation. Through prayer, people have been saved, healed, and transformed. 

Two phrases jump out at me in this promise.

The first is “effective prayer.” Effective prayer is prayer that makes a difference. It is prayer that is offered in faith and lines up with God’s will.

Effective prayer comes from a righteous person. A righteous person isn’t someone who is perfect or sinless. It is a person who is living a God-centered and God-dependent life.

You may be thinking that only special and mature Christians can pray effectively. You don’t have to have a special anointing or be a preacher to pray with power. One of my favorite verses on prayer comes right after this promise.

Regular People
In James 5:17, James says that Elijah prayed, and it didn’t rain. Then he prayed again, and it did rain. Now here is the part that blows me away – “Elijah was as human as you are….” Wow, Elijah prayed with power, yet he was a person just like you and me.

When you pray, things happen. God gets involved and begins working on the situation. 

The second phase is “can accomplish much.”

When you pray, you are not just talking out loud. Prayer is not an exercise for the weak-minded to make them feel better. Prayer is connecting with the creator God and bringing His power and will into the problem.

Prayer releases heavenly forces to battle against the work of Satan in a situation. When you pray, your prayers will accomplish much because God has promised that your faith will release God’s answer.

Look at that promise again.

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. – James 5:16

Make these confessions.

  • When I pray, I bring God into my circumstances.
  • My prayers are powerful because God directs them.
  • My prayers are effective because I am righteous in Christ.
  • When I pray, I release spiritual forces to bring about God’s will.

In Jesus’ name,

Prayer is the secret weapon of the Christian. When you pray, heaven moves to bring about God’s answer. Your righteousness in Christ gives you confidence before God.

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How have you seen God answer your prayer in a powerful way?  (Share your thoughts in the comments below.)

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  1. Dianne Durham July 24, 2024 at 5:17 am - Reply

    I love The Daily Promise and read and PONDER it everyday. I have definitely seen God answer my prayers in a powerful way – even when His answer is NO or WAIT ON THE LORD but I trust Him. I know that He continues to mold and shape me and while I have many “cracks” in this clay pot, I still look at the things I AM NOT ie In Dispair/ Destroyed/ Abandoned – Praying anytime, anywhere about anything BUT always with a heart of TRUST and BELIEVING God is who He says He is and still working on Being Still and listening….THANK you again for what you do. OH yes there are bad days dealing with many things but God is faithful and sometimes my prayers do not include petitions, just gratitude. Then there are those days circumstances and feelings are as if they stand in judgment of my faith and people stand in the gap interceding. Have to seek to find – He is always in the same place but my heart condition can make me feel He is hiding. THank you again, this has helped me so much and is ALL TRUTH according to the word, not from opinion and that is what keeps me in The Daily Promise.

  2. Omer July 24, 2024 at 5:58 am - Reply

    I ve seen him work numerous times in my life
    Too many to remember. I do know Gid hears and answers in his own time or he doesn’t answer for his own

  3. Omer July 24, 2024 at 5:59 am - Reply

    Oops that was suppose to be God not Gid. Sorry

  4. Karen July 24, 2024 at 7:01 am - Reply

    I’ve seen Him answer my Prayers in so many ways. Sometimes when I pray over a situation I get this amazing peace about it. Sometimes something I prayed over that was really stressing me out never happened. He works in mysterious ways and always hears our prayers. Sometimes if I’m confused about something I should or shouldn’t do I ask for a sign and he always delivers 🙏 We serve an amazing God 🙏

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