Today’s Promise

January 7, 2023

Saturday Review

This Week’s Promises

Isaiah 43:19 | John 10:10  | Psalm 37:25 | 1 Corinthians 10:13  Psalm 84:11

Saturday Review

Saturday is review day on The Daily Promise. Every Saturday, we review the promises we learned during the week so we can allow them to go deep into our hearts.

Monday – God Will do a New Work in You

We began the week by seeing how God is doing a new work in our lives. God wants to do more in your life than you can ever imagine. He wants to grow your faith, deepen your love, and work through you as never before.

Here’s the promise.

Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43:19

Make these confessions.
  • My God is the God of new beginnings.
  • He is doing a new work in my life.
  • Father, thank you for all you will do in the days to come.
  • I give you this year for Your glory.

In Jesus’ Name,

Aren’t you glad God is doing something new in you? All you need to do is release your life into His hands.

Tuesday – Jesus Promised Abundant Life

On Tuesday, we celebrated the abundant life Jesus promised. We don’t have to wait for heaven to experience the overflowing and abundant life. The abundant life begins the moment we put our faith in Christ.

Here’s the promise.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. – John 10:10

Make these confessions:
  • In Jesus Christ, I have abundant life.
  • Eternal, unending life when I die, and overflowing life today.
  • He is my protection, my guide, and my provider.
  • Today I will live in the abundant life Jesus promised.

In Jesus’ Name,

Jesus promises abundant life, and you don’t have to wait for heaven to experience it. You can live the abundant life right here and now.


Wednesday – God Gives Victory Over Temptation

Midway through the week, we looked at three promises regarding temptation. 1. Everyone experiences temptation. 2. God limits the temptations we experience. 3. In every temptation, God provides a way of escape.

Here’s the promise.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. – 1 Corinthians 10:13

Make these confessions:
  • My temptations are no different than others.
  • God limits what temptations come into my life.
  • God always provides a way to escape from every temptation.
  • In Jesus Christ, I have victory over every temptation.

In Jesus’ Name,

You don’t have to fall into temptation. God has already given you victory. When you face a temptation, know that God has limited the temptation and look for a way of escape.


Thursday – God Never Abandons His Children

On Thursday, we claimed the promise that God never forsakes or abandons His children. As a child of God, He will always be with you as your guide, protector, and provider.

Here’s the promise.

“I have been young, and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread.” – Psalm 37:25

Make these confessions.
  • Father, thank you for watching over me today.
  • I know you will never forsake me and will always be my supply.
  • When I am full of worry and fear, remind me that You never forsake Your children.
  • As your child, I trust You will always be by my side.

In Jesus’ Name,

God is faithful and takes care of His children. I love the promise that He will not withhold one blessing from us.


Friday – God is My Sun and Shield

We ended the week with the promise that God is our sun and shield. There are five promises in this one verse. First, as our sun, God brings clarity and peace. 2. He protects us with His incredible shield. 3. He gives us His grace. 4. We will experience the glory of His presence. Finally, He brings his favor and blessings into our lives.

Here’s the promise.

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. – Psalm 84:11

Make these confessions.
  • Father, thank you for being my sun and shield.
  • Thank you for your warmth, light, and direction.
  • Thank you for your protection throughout the day.
  • Thank you for giving me your grace and showing me your glory.
  • Keep me close to you and every blessing you have for me.

In Jesus’ Name,

As we walk with the Lord, He gives us clarity and protection. His blessings and grace flow over us every day.

That’s it for this week. I hope these promises have been a blessing to you. Go back through these promises and allow God to renew your mind with these truths from His Word.
Share one of these promises with a friend or family member. Everyone can use an encouraging word from God’s Word.

Which of these promises were especially meaningful to you? Share it in the comments below.


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