Today’s Promise
March 17, 2025
Don’t Lose Heart in Doing Good
Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.
Galatians 6:9
The Harvest
Sometimes the road gets rough, and you feel like giving up. It’s easy to get discouraged when serving the Lord. Today’s promise gives you the hope of not growing weary in doing God’s will.
There is a universal law that says, what you plant, you reap. When it comes to the Kingdom of God, when you plant obedience and good works, you will receive a harvest of blessings.
It Takes Time
The problem is sometimes it takes a while for the harvest to come. When you plant a seed, it doesn’t immediately bear fruit. It takes a long time for an apple seed to grow into a fruitful tree. As you plant the seeds of doing good, it takes time for those seeds to grow into blessings.
Between planting the seeds and reaping the benefits, you can grow weary and discouraged. As you wait for the harvest, you can lose heart in doing what you know God has told you to do.
Noah preached for 120 years and didn’t see one convert. I’m sure he must have thought, “What am I doing wrong?” But eventually, the rain fell, and he, his family, and all the animals were saved.
Keep Working
Don’t give up! So many blessings are missed because people give up too soon. The harvest is coming; just keep planting and obeying what God told you to do. If you keep moving forward and planting seeds, the harvest will come.
Immediate success is not always the indicator of God’s blessing. The harvest comes to those who faithfully plant good seeds every day.
Immediate success is not always the indicator of God’s blessing.
You may be ministering in an area where God called you, but you haven’t seen the results. Don’t give up. Keep planting. The harvest will come.
You may be praying for a family member or friend. Don’t get weary in prayer. Keep praying, and God will answer.
You may be struggling with a problem or situation. Don’t stop doing what is right. If you keep sowing the right seed, the harvest will come.
Look at that promise again.
Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. – Galatians 6:9 (NASB)
Make these confessions.
- I will not lose heart.
- I will continue to plant the seeds God has given me.
- I may not see it yet, but the harvest is coming.
- I will not grow weary, and I will not give up.
- God is growing the seeds that I plant.
- I will be faithful until I see the harvest God brings.
In Jesus’ Name,
Remember, the harvest comes to those who faithfully plant God’s seed every day.
March is partner month here at the Daily Promise. Daily Promise Partners are incredibly important to this ministry. Their support makes it possible for me to share God’s word through the daily promise around the world.
Daily Promise Partners are people who believe in God’s word and want to encourage others through the wonderful promises of God. They are the lifeline that keeps The Daily Promise and other ministry programs like Praying for Her and Praying for Him going.
Please join me this month in praying that 25 people will become Daily Promise Partners. It might be that God is calling you to support this ministry.
If you want to become a partner, click the button below to join me in sharing God’s Word with the nations.
Become a PartnerHave you ever felt like giving up while serving the Lord? (Post your answer in the comment section)
Yes ; many times but Holy Spiriit came to my rescue and l kept keeping on!???