August 6, 2019

Today’s Promise

My Joy is Made Complete

Psalm 32:7

These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.

Happiness is a fleeting illusion.

When you attain whatever it is you think will make you happy, you often find a disappointing result. Happiness will never make you “happy.” What we need is joy.

This promise centers on joy.

In the verses before this promise, Jesus described how He is the vine, and we are the branches. We cannot thrive outside of our union with Christ.

Jesus walked in complete joy because he walked in perfect obedience and union with God.

We rarely think obedience and joy go together. Obedience brings to mind a list of rules and regulations. The dos and don’ts of religion.

Jesus walked in joy because He walked in obedient intimacy with God.

Our joy comes as we walk in obedient intimacy with Jesus.

Obedience to Christ is not following a set of rules and regulations. Obedience is walking as Jesus walked. We are called to be followers of Christ, imitators of Him.

Jesus said that if we obey Him, we will abide in His love, and if we abide in His love, our joy will be complete.

For the Christian, there is joy in obedience.

We don’t obey out of fear or intimidation. We walk in obedience for we know as we obey we are conforming to the life pattern of Jesus.

The more we walk in obedient union with Christ, the more “full” our joy is.

Today as you walk in intimate obedience to Christ, you release His joy into your life.

Never settle for seeking happiness, when you can have the joy.

Let’s review the verse one more time.

These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. – John 15:11

Confess this with me.

Today, I have the joy of Jesus.
My joy grows as I walk in intimate obedience to Christ.
His joy is in me, and my joy is full.
I won’t settle for happiness.
I want JOY.

In Jesus Name,


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Are you walking in joy today? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


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One Comment

  1. Miriam Prosper August 6, 2019 at 7:43 am - Reply

    Good morning uplifting.

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