Today’s Promise

August 26, 2022

God Brings Comfort

But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus.
2 Corinthians 7:6

Comfort When Discouraged

We all face times of discouragement, but God is working to encourage and strengthen us during those times.

Discouragement is a part of life. All of us face times when we’re tired, discouraged, or even depressed.

Some people think that once you become a Christian, you should never feel discouraged or face depression. Many Christians feel guilty when they struggle with discouragement. They think they should be able to live on a spiritual mountaintop every day of their life.

We All Face Discouragement

The truth is, no matter who you are, there are times when you face discouragement.

Even the Apostle Paul faced times of discouragement. Although God greatly used the Apostle Paul and wrote much of the New Testament, he still had to deal with discouragement.

In the verses before this promise, the Apostle Paul describes how hard his ministry had been. He was exhausted and discouraged. He had been opposed, facing conflict on the outside, and fear on the inside.

God is Working

Even though Paul couldn’t see it, God was working to bring an encourager into his life. God brought his friend Titus along to encourage and strengthen him. 

God never meant for the Christian life to be lived alone. God will bring others into your life to encourage and strengthen you if you let Him. 

God brought Titus to strengthen Paul, and God will bring someone into your life to encourage, strengthen, and comfort you. God worked in Paul’s life and is working in your life today.

In your times of deepest discouragement, God never forgets you. He doesn’t chastise you, and He isn’t disappointed in you. God knows your weaknesses more than you do. He works behind the scenes to bring others into your life to comfort and encourage you.

Look at that promise again.

But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus. – 2 Corinthians 7:6

Make these confessions.

  • Everyone faces times of discouragement and stress.
  • I should never feel guilty about being discouraged.
  • Though I may not see it, God is working to bring comfort and encouragement to me.
  • My Titus is just around the corner.

In Jesus’ Name,

When you get discouraged or depressed, remember God is working on your behalf. You may not see it yet, but God has a Titus just around the corner to encourage and comfort you.

As always, thank you to all our ministry partners and those who support The Daily Promise. You are such a blessing to me and this ministry. Thank you for helping me share the promises of God around the world.

How have you experienced God’s comfort when you needed it? (Share your answer in the comment section below).

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  1. John August 26, 2022 at 3:11 am - Reply

    This is a wonderful weekend beginning with a wonderful teaching Glory be to God

  2. Brian Blackwell August 26, 2022 at 5:12 am - Reply

    My wife had surgery on Monday in Dallas and leading up to it I had is many Titus in my life. Thousands of posille prayed for us, some sent us money and gift cards, others offered to deliver meals and a few even kept our kids while we were out of town. I can’t imagine going through this life without other brothers and sisters to lift us up. I am so thankful God knew this was a need for His children.

  3. Ann April 27, 2023 at 2:03 am - Reply

    Never once in 30 years of unending tragedy and pain has God brought anyone into my life to comfort. He left me totally and completely alone in it. I prayed and begged and believed, but God didn’t care. Stop promising people God will do something, for many He very well might. For some of us, God didn’t care

    • Billy Taylor April 27, 2023 at 9:40 am - Reply

      Ann, I am sorry you have gone through such pain and struggle. Since I don’t know what you have gone through, I can’t comment on your situation. I can say that God loves you. He does care and He does get involved in our lives. I am sorry that you haven’t felt that, but it is true. I am praying for your today that you experience the love of God as never before. – Billy

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