Today’s Promise

October 22, 2021

God Gives Me His Spirit and Word

Behold, I will pour out my Spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
Proverbs 1:23

Two Promises

There are two powerful promises packed into this one verse. Both promises are related because God’s Spirit and His Word always go together.

In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God would rest on various people for specific purposes. God’s Spirit would empower, give wisdom, or direction to accomplish His plan and purpose. God’s Spirit would rest on these individuals, but only for a season.

The Holy Spirit in You

That all changed with the coming of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost fulfilled this Old Testament promise. The Holy Spirit would no longer rest on a person for a while. Now the Spirit would indwell those who put their faith in Christ.

When you came to faith in Christ, God placed the Holy Spirit in you. The same power that transformed the ragtag group of disciples into the Apostles is now in you. The Holy Spirit speaks, leads, and empowers you to live the Christian life. The promise of the Holy Spirit in you changes everything.

God’s Word

The second part of this promise focuses on God’s Word. God will make His words known to you. The beginning point of faith is God’s Word. The Bible says that faith comes by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) God’s Word is your plumb-line for living. It shows you how to live, how to walk with God, and how to make wise decisions. The Word of God gives you guidance, comfort, and understanding.

The Holy Spirit in you takes the Word of God and reveals it to you. The only way you truly know spiritual truth is through the teaching of the Holy Spirit. He moves the Word of God from your head to your heart. The Word of God revealed and empowered by the Holy Spirit is a powerful force working in and through you.

Look at that promise again.

Behold, I will pour out my Spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. – Proverbs 1:23

Make these confessions.

  • I have the Holy Spirit in me today.
  • God is revealing His Word to me.
  • God’s Word is the guiding force in my life.
  • The Holy Spirit is moving God’s Word from my head to my heart.

In Jesus name,

God’s Word and the Holy Spirit work together to transform and empower your life. Spending time reading God’s Word and listening to the Holy Spirit. Together they will strengthen and empower your walk with God.

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How have you experienced God’s Spirit and Word working in your life?  (Share your thoughts in the comment section below)


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One Comment

  1. Sabrina M Ward October 22, 2021 at 8:00 am - Reply

    Thank you. I look forward to seeing more of this

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