Today’s Promise

October 20, 2021

God is Near the Brokenhearted

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Hurt Runs Deep

Sometimes a hurt can run so deep that it breaks your heart and crushes your spirit. Sadness seems to fill every part of your life. However, in Christ, there is hope for the hurting.

When life has thrown you a knockout punch, God is there to draw you near. When you feel crushed by the things you have experienced, God will save you from hopelessness.

The Brokenhearted

Being brokenhearted is more than having your high school boyfriend break up with you. The brokenhearted are those who have suffered a hurt of such magnitude that it has left them debilitated. Their sorrow and pain are so intense they have a hard time moving forward. 

Most of us, at some time in life, have been brokenhearted. It may have been through a lost relationship, a moral failure, or financial ruin. It may have been a lost loved one or some other painful event. Whatever the case, when you are brokenhearted, your spirit is crushed, and all your dreams are shattered.

During these times, God comes and draws you near. Like a loving parent who picks up their child and holds them close, God will draw near to you.

God is Compassionate

The God you serve is a compassionate God. The word compassion shows up 98 times in the Bible. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus was moved with compassion as He saw the hurting and sick. Jesus did more than empathize with their pain. When he saw the hurting, he took action. He healed the blind, restored useless legs, and fed the hungry. He even raised a dead boy right in the middle of the funeral. 

The compassion of Christ moved Him to relieve the pain of the people He encountered. 

If you are brokenhearted today, Jesus is close. The Holy Spirit will minister peace and healing to your soul. Too often, we pull away from God when we experience difficulty and pain. Instead, why not run into the arms of the one who loves you more than you can imagine. Jesus never turned away anyone who came to Him hurting, and He will welcome you as well.

Look at that promise again.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. – Psalm 34:18

Make these confessions.

  • When I am brokenhearted, God draws me close.
  • In my sadness, God pours His love and compassion over me.
  • When I come to Jesus, He will never turn me away.
  • Amid my pain, God brings healing and restores my hope.

In Jesus name,

When you are brokenhearted, God draws you close, bringing healing to your heart and hope for tomorrow.

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Has God been near to your in your time of hurt and sorrow?  (Share your thoughts in the comment section below)


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One Comment

  1. Rhonda Rhoton October 30, 2023 at 4:55 pm - Reply

    I have pinched nerves in my neck. One night I was in severe pain. I laid in my bed crying and praying to God to ease the pain just a little bit. Within a couple minutes, my cat walked into my room. At first I was afraid of her because she likes to lay on my chest. This night, because I was in the fetal position, she jumped on my bed and laid on my neck. Within a few seconds the pain started easing up. Only God could use my cat, who is insane, to slow down the pain.

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