Today’s Promise
January 23, 2025
God Knows the Details of Your Life
Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid therefore; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31
God Knows and Cares
Have you ever felt like you were spiritually lost in the crowd? I have good news: God knows and cares about what you are going through.
Have you ever felt insignificant to God? Ever felt like with all the people in the world, how could God possibly care about you?
With almost 8 billion people globally, it’s easy to feel like a tiny fish in a very big pond. With so many people in the world, how could God even know about the problems and issues you face?
God Knows About the Details of Your Life
Fortunately, God does know. Jesus said if a little bird can fall from a tree and God notices, how much more does God know the details of your life?
He said that God even knows the number of hairs on your head. (and that number must be updated regularly.) If He knows that much detail about you, then He also knows about the worries, cares, and difficulties you face.
God Cares About the Details of Your Life
God not only knows the details of your life, he cares about those details. He invites you to bring your concerns, problems, and issues to Him.
There is nothing too small to involve God. So often, we only bring the big issues of life to God. Who should I marry? Should I buy this house? Should I take this job?
However, God wants to walk with you and share in the little things of your life as well. He wants to be involved in the big and small details of your life. God is never too busy to hear and answer your prayer.
Today, nothing is too insignificant to bring to your Heavenly Father. If He has numbered the hairs on your head (which must be updated often), how much more does He care about today’s issues?
Look at that promise again.
Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid therefore; you are worth more than many sparrows. – Matthew 10:29-31
Make these confessions.
- God knows and cares about the details of my life.
- He has every hair on my head numbered.
- I am significant to the Lord of Glory!
- Because He cares about the smallest things in my life, I can bring the smallest details of my life to Him.
In Jesus’ name,
Remember, God knows and cares about you. You are significant in His sight. He knows and cares about the details of your life.
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What are some small things you are trusting God for? (Share your thoughts in the comments below)
I am trusting God my everyday functions and liveyhood
Thank God for my salvation and family. Gods is everything to me! Praise HIM🙏😇👍❤️
I know it’s true that God loves me and cares about me. I need Him for every detail in my life and He helps me. Thank You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I am trusting God with my everyday decisions knowing he has my interest at heart and will direct my steps and protect and guide me. 🙏
Thank you god for caring about my issues, AMEN
I’m trusting God don’t give up on me and continue to live love me unconditionally!!!
Thank You Lord for everything, I am grateful