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December 1, 2020

Today’s Promise

God Knows Your Need

Matthew 6:7-8

And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

All About Prayer

In the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus took some time to teach us about prayer. It is so easy for us to get off base when it comes to prayer. 

Jesus warns us that prayer isn’t about how long you pray or even how loud you pray. Prayer is all about a conversation between you and your Heavenly Father. 

Some people use the filibuster approach to prayer. They think if they can just pray long enough, Surely God will have to answer their prayer. God is not impressed by how long we pray or how many words we use.

Here’s the secret to effective prayer – God already knows what you need before you ask.

God is never surprised by your prayer. Like a good father, God knows your needs before you even ask.

Since God knows your need, there is no reason to go on and on in prayer. There is no need to make your prayer sound spiritual or impressive.

Two Keys to Effective.

First, your prayers should be simple. Since God already knows our needs, then there is no reason to do a lot of explanation. You are not going to give God any details that He may have missed.

Second, effective prayer is always sincere prayer. I hear some people pray, and they sound like they are preaching to God. When people ask me how to pray, I say just tell God what is on your heart. Tell Him your needs, and then in faith, believe that He will answer.

That may sound too simplistic compared to so much teaching on prayer. However, it is in line with how Jesus prayed and how He taught us to pray.

God Knows

God knows and is sympathetic toward your need. As a good father, He wants to give good things to you, His child. When you come to Him, talk to Him like He is your father. Tell Him where it hurts or what the need is, then believe that He has heard you.

Leave the guilt, shame, and religion behind. Climb up into your Father’s lap and tell Him your needs. He already knows and will answer.

Look at that promise again.

And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. – Matthew 6:7-8

Make these confessions.

  • I pray simply and with a sincere heart.
  • God knows my need before I even ask.
  • As a loving Father, He wants to meet my needs.
  • When I pray, I simply talk to my Heavenly Father.

In Jesus name,

Prayer doesn’t have to be complicated. Your prayers don’t have to be fancy or long. Besides, God already knows what you need before you even ask.


Today is Giving Tuesday. On Giving Tuesday, you have the power to keep The Daily Promise sharing the promises of God’s Word throughout the year. Every day, The Daily Promise goes out to over 14,000 people around the world. Your gift on Giving Tuesday allows us to touch more people with the love of Christ and the power of God’s Word.

Here’s a short 1-minute video from one of our support partners, Pastor Charles Thornton. (Click on the Picture to View)

Picture of Charles Thornton in front of fireplace with video play button


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