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April 15, 2021

Today’s Promise

God Secures My Steps

2 Samuel 22:34

He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights.

Out on a Limb

I have a giant tree in the center of my backyard. It towers above the house and is the home to a group of squirrels. These squirrels love this tree. They chase each other, running and jumping from limb to limb. They love climbing out onto the very end of the smallest of branches. You can see the limb droop as they walk out to the very edge. They’re never worried, nervous, or cautious; they look like they are having a ball. They have complete confidence in the tree and their ability to navigate the smallest of branches. In the early spring, you can see them basking in the sun laying on limbs you think would never hold them.

Overwhelming Fear

If you are like me, sometimes I feel like I have crawled out on a limb. I am way out of my comfort zone, and the fear of failure fills my heart. Thoughts of “What am I doing Here? Why did I agree to this? I don’t have what it takes to make this happen?” and a thousand other questions come flooding in my mind. Then Satan comes along and reminds me that I am in way over my head. Failure, embarrassment, and defeat are all just around the corner.

This promise reminds us that God gives us secure footings even on the highest hills. When we step out in faith and climb up to all God has for us, He secures our feet like the deer (or in this case, the squirrel). 

God Secures Your Footing

If you are out on a limb today, God will secure your footing. He will not allow you to fall. He will direct your path and keep you steading even when you are out on the tiniest of limbs. God will honor your desire to go up to the high places in your life, home, ministry, and career. He will be there to steady your footing and direct your path.

Look at that promise again.

He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights. – 2 Samuel 22:34

Make these confessions.

  • When I feel I am out on a limb, God secures my steps.
  • He sets my feet on stable ground.
  • I will not worry, for He will keep me from falling.
  • God is leading me to new heights in him.

In Jesus Name,

Today, climb up to all God has called you to. Don’t worry about falling or failure because God will secure your steps and keep you from falling.

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How has God secured you, when you stepped out in faith? Share in the comments below.

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One Comment

  1. Quinn April 15, 2021 at 12:01 pm - Reply

    The audio was a helpful study.

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