Today’s Promise

December 27, 2022

God Washes You White as Snow

Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Psalm 51:7

We all suffer from sin, but when we repent, God promises to clean and purify our hearts.

Guilt & Shame

We all suffer from the guilt and shame of our sin. Satan uses our guilt to keep us pushed down and defeated. He knows when we feel condemned, we won’t go after all God has for us.

This verse promises that God brings forgiveness and cleansing for our sin when we repent.

When the prophet Nathan confronted David over His adultery and murder, David repented. He cried out to God for mercy and forgiveness. This promise is part of that repentant psalm.

David asks God for two things in response to his repentance.

First, he asked to be cleansed.

The hyssop plant was a small bushy plant that was used in ceremonial cleansing. When a leper was healed, the priest used the hyssop plant to sprinkle blood and water over him, symbolizing his cleansing. When the last plague came over Egypt, they used the hyssop plant to smear the blood of the lamb on their doorposts.

The hyssop plant was always connected to sacrificial blood. Because of this, it was a symbol of purification.

When you repent of your sin, God cleanses you from the inside out. He forgives your sin and proclaims you clean before Him. His blood purifies your heart and life.

Second, David asked God to wash away the stain of his sin.

Sin always leaves a mark. Dirt is to the body what sin is to the heart. When we sin, our heart becomes tainted. We need God to come and clean our hearts.

I love that this phrase says, “I shall be whiter than snow.” David wouldn’t settle for a partial cleaning. He wanted his heart to be completely clean – whiter than snow. There are few things whiter than snow. If you have ever been in the mountains and seen the sun reflect off the snow, it is so bright white you can hardly look at it.

When we repent, God washes our heart so clean that it is whiter than the whitest snow.

Look at that promise again.

Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. – Psalm 51:7

Make these confessions.

  • When I repent, God forgives and cleanses my sin.
  • God makes me pure and clean before Him.
  • My guilt and shame have been washed away.
  • My heart has been made whiter than snow.

In Jesus’ Name,

When you repent of your sin, Jesus purifies and cleanses your heart.

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When we the last time you experienced God’s cleansing and forgiveness? (Share your thoughts in the comments below)

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