Today’s Promise

August 29, 2024

God’s Abundant Power is in Me

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.
Ephesians 3:20

God is More than Enough

Today’s promise is a reminder that God is more than enough. He empowers you to accomplish more than you can imagine. His mighty power is working in you today.

I love this promise because it reminds me of the unlimited power God has made available to me.

The Apostle Paul ends this section of Ephesians with a declaration of God’s greatness. His power and glory are beyond our comprehension. God can do more than you can ever ask or imagine.

Complete Abundance

The God you serve dwells in complete abundance. There is no limit to his power and glory. He is the God of “more than enough.” He is not just the God of abundance but the God of more abundance. He is not just “more abundant; He is “far more abundant” than you can possibly comprehend. No matter what you ask of Him, you will never deplete the resources Christ has made available to you. 

We suffer from lack and limitation. We sometimes struggle just to get by. Our God lives in overabundance. There is no limit to what He can do and no shortage of resources or power. Whatever it takes, God is more than enough.

Small Prayers

Too often, we bring our limited thinking into our prayer life. We pray small prayers to a little God. Our small prayers can be an insult to the great King of glory. 

God never worries about “big prayers.” When you pray, God never responds, “Oh, wow, that’s too big a prayer for me to handle. I don’t think I can make that happen.” God invites you to pray big prayers that call on a mighty God. The great men of faith in the Bible prayed big prayers.

God is Working in You

Now here is the best part. God’s incredible, unlimited, and abundant power is working in you. 

God is pouring out His power in your life today. The Holy Spirit is releasing the unlimited power of God into your life. He is transforming and empowering you with His overflowing and abundant strength. 

God wants you to do more than just get by. He wants you to walk in the abundance of His power so you can overflow to those around you.

Today, pray big prayers. Pray gigantic prayers that stretch your faith. Don’t pray little prayers to a small God. Pray big prayers to the mighty God of Heaven. He is waiting to do abundant work in your life today.

Look at that promise again.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. – Ephesians 3:20

Makes these confessions.

  • My God is the “more than enough” God.
  • God’s incredible power is working in me today.
  • I will pray big prayers to a big God.
  • God’s overabundant power is available to face any problem or challenge.

In Jesus’ name,

The God you serve is the abundant, overflowing God. So pray big prayers. Your God is big enough to handle it. (He’s actually more than enough.)

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for me and this ministry. It is an honor to have so many friends willing to intercede for me and what God has called me to do. I believe when we stand together in prayer, God answers.

Just a quick word about my new book, Praying for Pastors. After months of writing and editing, it is finally ready for publication. I am expecting it to be available in the next few weeks. Please pray with me that this book will be used to encourage and strengthen many pastors and churches. Be watching for the upcoming release announcements.

As always, thank you to all those who support this ministry; you have been a tremendous blessing and encouragement to me. If you would like to support the ministry, use the button below.

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How has God been more than enough for you? (Share it in the comment section below.)

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  1. Omer August 29, 2024 at 5:05 am - Reply

    My God is more than enough for any problem or crisis.
    He has proven it to me many times.❤️🙏😇👍

  2. Karen August 29, 2024 at 7:09 am - Reply

    God has been more than enough in ways I can’t explain. He is bigger than any problem and always answers our prayers and supplies us with everything we need. Bringing right people into our lives and keeping right people into our lives. Keeping us on the right path 🙏

  3. ALEX GRAINER August 29, 2024 at 7:26 am - Reply

    My God Is an awesome God he reigns from Heaven above and All his Almighty power will Heal my Acid Reflux, he’s going to heal my body, for he already got me clean from Drugs and Alcohol. He’s going to continue to bless me and use me as a Living Sacrifice

  4. Wendy Hendricks August 29, 2024 at 9:30 am - Reply

    I have limited my GOD , enough. THANK YOU LORD for showing me & reminding me that YOU ARE A BIG GOD WITH UNENDING POWER & SZtrength!! You are able to do exceedingl abundant all that I can ask or think.
    Help me to pray BIG PRAYERD & believe that you hear me & will answer in ways that reach new Heights!!! In JESUS MIGHTY NAME, AMEN 🙌🏾

  5. Travis Johnson August 29, 2024 at 11:04 am - Reply

    This promise has given me hope to PRAY BIG and expect God to answer BIG!

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