Today’s Promise

May 16, 2024

God’s Discipline is for Your Good

My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord or loathe His reproof, for whom the Lord loves He reproves, even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.
Proverbs 3:11-12

God’s Training

Like a good father, God desires for us to grow in our faith and trust in Him. He trains us to bring discipline in our walk with Him.

When God repeats Himself in scripture, it’s never without a purpose. Therefore, you should always pay attention to spiritual truths that show up in both the Old and New Testaments.

The book of Hebrews quotes this promise in chapter 12, verses 5-6, so we might want to listen up.

Many people think God’s discipline is God punishing His children. They see every problem that comes along as God’s judgment.

When something terrible happens, their first thought is that God must be punishing them. They don’t see God as the loving Father who desires the best for them.

Training VS Punishment

This verse is more about training than punishment. God is always working in your life for your good. The only way a muscle grows is by putting it under stress. When you lift weights, you build your muscles by pushing them to their limit.

God allows various trials into your life to build your faith and trust in Him. As God tests your faith, it grows and develops.

As a father, I want the best for my children. My children may feel like I limit their freedom when I don’t let them play in the street. They may not like it when I force them to do their homework, but it is for their own good. Because I love them, I bring discipline into their lives.

A Father’s Training

A father who doesn’t train his children doesn’t love them. A child needs discipline and training to grow into a responsible, mature adult. God loves you too much to allow you to stay the way you are. He works in your life to grow your faith.

Never resent God when you face trials. Every problem is an opportunity for God to take you to the next level in your faith and walk with Him.

Look at that promise again.

My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord or loathe His reproof, for whom the Lord loves He reproves, even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights. – Proverbs 3:11-12

Make these confessions.

  • God’s discipline is always for my good.
  • Because He loves me, He tests and stretches my faith.
  • I don’t always enjoy discipline, but it makes me spiritually mature.
  • I welcome His discipline because it makes me more like Him.

In Jesus’ Name,

Because God loves you, He sometimes must correct you. He does so to make you stronger and bring you back to Himself. However, He always does it out of love.

Ladies, your husband needs your prayer support. Every day, he faces temptations, accusations, and spiritual attacks. God calls you to pray for him every day. However, many wives don’t really know how to pray for their husbands. Our prayer training program, Praying for Him, will teach you how to pray daily and effectively for your husband. You can sign up for free at Learn to stand in prayer for your husband as never before. Sign up today.

How have you experienced God’s training or discipline? (Share your experience in comments below.) 


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  1. Marlene May 16, 2024 at 6:12 am - Reply

    As I reflect over different situations that have occurred in my life, while I was going through those situations, it felt like it would always be that way and it was painful. As I look back I can see that the hand of God helped me. And through it all I called out to Him and my faith or dependence upon Him has been strengthened. He used those situations to draw me closer to Him.

  2. Karen May 16, 2024 at 7:26 am - Reply

    I’ve experienced Gods discipline by not getting things in my life or experiences that I wanted or thought was good for me. At the time I couldn’t understand why things didn’t work out but looking back it was for my protection. Sometimes we go through a lot of hurt rejection and thought we did everything the right way but for the Grace of God he protected me🙏

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