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April 26, 2021
Today’s Promise
God’s Promises Never Fail
Joshua 21:45
Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.
Not One Promise
As I read the Bible, I am always amazed how God sneaks a very powerful promise right in the middle of a very fairly mundane passage. Joshua 21 explains how cities and property were to be divided up and given to the priests. Verse after verse lists which cities went to which tribe of priests. The chapter is pretty difficult to read until you get to the very last verse.
If you gave up before reading the last verse in the chapter, you would miss this wonderful declaration.
The chapter ends with a final, sweeping confirmation of how God fulfilled every promise He made to Israel. Not one of God’s promises failed. Everything God promised His people He did.
The author emphasizes the fact that not even one of the smallest of God’s promises went unfulfilled. God was faithful to complete every promise He made to His people.
God’s Good Promises
Second, the writer uses the word “good” to describe God’s promises. All the promises of God are good because God’s goodness flows through His promises.
God has not changed since the days of Joshua. He is still the promise-keeping God. When God makes a promise, He is faithful to keep that promise.
Claiming God’s Promises
When you claim one of God’s good promises, you can rest assured He will bring it to pass. 2 Peter 3:9 says that “God is not slack concerning His promise.” He will do whatever is needed to bring about every promise He makes.
Sometimes it takes a while for that promise to come to pass, but God will fulfill everything He has promised.
Even though you may have a hard time believing it today, God is faithful to fulfill every one of His promises to you.
If you are holding onto a promise today, keep holding on. Don’t lose heart. God hasn’t forgotten you, and He is working right now to bring it to pass.
Not one of the promises He has made to you will He fail to fulfill. Your God is the promise-keeping God.
Look at that promise one more time.
Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass. – Joshua 21:45
Make these confessions.
- My God fulfills every promise.
- By faith, I am holding onto every promise God has made.
- All of God’s promises to me are good.
- God will never fail to fulfill even the smallest promise made to me.
In Jesus Name,
The God you serve is a promise-keeping God. What He has promised, He will do. Not one of His good promises will He fail to fulfill.
On a personal note
Thank you to everyone who prayed for me during last week’s surgery. The surgery went well, but please continue to pray for me as I go through rehab and recovery. Your prayers and support mean so much to me.
What promise of God are you? Share in the comments below.
Praise God for answering our prayers for a successful surgery! May our Lord continue to have his hand on you as you go through rehab and recovery.
Thanking Jesus for Billy’s surgery and prayers for recovery soon.
The Lord is always with us. We are never alone. Blessings Daily Promise Family.
Praise God for the answer of Prayer in the successful surgery on our brother Billy.
Praying that you’ll help him as he recuperates and go through rehab.
I am praying for you Billy, praying for healing in Jesus name.
Thanks Tim. Feeling better, Pain is getting less each day. – Billy
So happy to hear your surgery went well. Praying for a speedy recovery and healing! God bless ??
Praise God for a successful surgery and prayers for continue healing. I also need to change email addresses for my Daily Promise to continue to come each day…how should I do that. I will no longer have this email after May 3rd.
But what to do when unfailing promises are deferred indefinitely?
There is a battle to be fought regarding the promises. We have to claim them by faith and then stand in faith until we see them come to pass. In the near future, I will have a teaching on this – Billy