Today’s Promise

May 22, 2024

Grace, Mercy, and Peace Are with You

Grace, mercy and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.
2 John 1:3

Today, we are looking at three powerful qualities God has promised to you. As followers of Christ, God fills our lives with grace, mercy, and peace.


Grace is the unmerited favor of God. Grace is the favor and blessing of God. Grace is getting what you don’t deserve. Salvation is a gift of grace that you don’t deserve and can’t earn.

No matter how good you are or how hard you try, it won’t affect your standing with God. Salvation is a gift from God received by faith. Salvation is God’s grace lived out in our lives.


If grace is getting what you don’t deserve, mercy is not getting what you deserve. According to Ephesians 2:4, God is rich in mercy.

God’s mercy sent Jesus into the world to save you from your sin. It is God’s mercy that came up with the plan of salvation in the first place. If you were to receive what you deserve, you would spend eternity separated from the presence of God. It is His mercy and love that opened the door for our salvation.

Mercy doesn’t keep a record of your sin. God’s mercy has removed your sin as far as the East is to the West.


Finally, God’s Peace is the result of His grace and mercy working in your life. Because of His grace and mercy, you have peace with God. The peace of God is the beginning point of all peace. Every aspect of peace in your life flows out of that peace you have with God. When your soul is at peace, every other area of your life can rest in that peace.

Look at today’s promise once again.

Grace, mercy and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. – 2 John 1:3

Make these declarations with me.

  • God’s grace is with me today.
  • His grace drew me to Himself and brought about my salvation.
  • God’s mercy is flowing over me today.
  • His mercy has forgiven my sin and made me new in Him.
  • I have peace with God today because of His grace and mercy.

In Jesus’ Name,

God’s mercy and grace come together to bring about God’s peace in your life.

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How have you seen God’s grace, mercy, or peace work in your life? (Share your experience in comments below.) 


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  1. Omer May 22, 2024 at 5:28 am - Reply

    I be seen Gods grace and Mercy through my life many times God has blessed me .In things I don’t deserve.😇🙏❤️Amen

  2. Karen May 22, 2024 at 6:51 am - Reply

    Gods mercy has spared me and protected me many times. I see His Grace working in my life everyday! Many miracles many Blessings. I’ve always wanted a garden and now I have one. I see Gods beauty and Grace in nature. I feel so close to him in my garden 🙏

  3. Travis Johnson May 22, 2024 at 10:22 am - Reply

    Because of God’s grace and mercy, we have peace with God. Hallelujah, what a Savior.

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