March 27, 2020

Today’s Promise

I Am an Heir to the Promise of God

Galatians 3:29

And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.

An Heir of God.

In Jesus Christ, you have every promise of God. You are an heir to all God has for you.

The prince did nothing to become heir to the throne. By being born into the royal family, he receives all the blesses, privileges, and wealth of the royal family. He is an heir by birth.

When you placed your faith in Christ, you became a child of God, you were born into the family of God. God is your father, and you are an heir to all His promises. 

So many Christians want to add something to the Gospel.

They say you need Jesus and something else. You need Jesus and follow this or that set of rules. In the Apostle Paul’s day, some thought you needed Jesus and the law of Moses. They thought to be a real Christian, required faith in Christ, and following the traditions and law of the Jews. 

Just before this promise, Paul argued that faith in Christ is all you need. It is faith in Jesus plus nothing. Abraham was one of the first great men of faith. It was Abraham’s faith that gave him favor with God. God counted his faith as righteousness. The basis for all the promises God gave Abraham was faith.

Paul was saying in this promise that it is Jesus only. You don’t need anything else. All the promises made to Abraham were fulfilled in Christ. Since you are “in Christ,” then you are an heir to all the promises God made to Abraham.

As an heir, you don’t have to do anything to receive your inheritance. When you were born again, you were born into Jesus and the family of God. You are an heir of Christ. You are an heir to all the promises of God because of your faith.

Look at that promise once again.

And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise. – Galatians 3:29

Confess this after me.

  • In Christ, I have been born again into God’s family.
  • I am an heir of Christ.
  • As an heir of Christ, I have every promise of God.
  • My inheritance in Christ is based on nothing but faith in Him.

In Jesus Name,

Your birthright as a child of God, reborn by faith in Christ, makes you an heir to all the promises of God. 


I know many of us are facing some hard and uncertain times. If you need prayer, post a prayer request on our sister site – We want to bring your request before the Lord. Stop by and pray for some of the prayer requests listed there.

Do you see yourself as an Heir of God? Let me know your thoughts below.


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One Comment

  1. Tina M.A. September 9, 2021 at 9:16 pm - Reply

    Well yes. Apparently i do because I wrote a poem last night where I said that I was an heir of God’s.
    I came online to see if that can be true just to cover my back.

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