Today’s Promise

November 4, 2021

I Choose Joy

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!
Philippians 4:4

God Say, “Rejoice”

God commands you to rejoice. That may sound like a hard thing to do at times, but when you choose to rejoice, the Holy Spirit fills you with supernatural joy.

It seems like a difficult time to be talking about rejoicing. With all the problems in the world, how can we even consider being joyful?

However, joy is fundamental to the Christian life. Growing Christians are rejoicing Christians. Paul commands us to rejoice. He repeats this message in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 – “rejoice always.”

Remember, with every command of God, there is a related promise. God always empowers you to accomplish His command.

Joy vs Happiness

Joy has nothing to do with your circumstance but is connected to the presence of God. Happiness is connected to your situation in life. You can be happy when everything is going your way. You are happy when the traffic is light, your job is going well, and you are in a loving relationship. However, when everything is going wrong, and you are unhappy, you can still choose to rejoice.

Paul wrote to the Philippians during some of the most trying days of his life. Yet amid those trials, he said, “Rejoice.” 

Joy is the evidence of the Holy Spirit working in your life. 

How do you rejoice when you see the world around you falling apart? How do you rejoice when your world is falling apart?

Joy is a decision. You choose to rejoice. Every day you choose to either worry or rejoice; you can’t do both. Worry accomplishes nothing. In Matthew 6, Jesus said, “And who of you, by being worried, can add a single hour to his life?” 

As you choose joy, you confess that God is in control. Choosing to rejoice is always a step of faith. It is taking your eyes off your problems and focusing on the goodness and love of God. 

Rejoicing is not just some positive thinking or confession. It is not ignoring your problems or being insensitive to the problems of those around you. Joy is choosing to trust God in your situation. You don’t rejoice for the problem; you rejoice in the problem.

You can’t produce joy. Joy is the outcome of the Holy Spirit working in your life. Joy is the second fruit of the spirit. 

Joy follows the decision to rejoice. Even though you may not feel like it, you can choose to rejoice. When you choose to rejoice, you release the power of the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and life.

Even on your darkest day, you can choose to rejoice. As you do, you will experience the supernatural joy of Christ flowing through you no matter what you are going through. 

Look at that promise again.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! – Philippians 4:4

Make these confessions.

  • Today, I choose to rejoice.
  • The Holy Spirit is producing joy in my life.
  • My joy is not dependent on my circumstance.
  • I rejoice as a confession of God’s goodness and care for me.

In Jesus name,

God commands you to rejoice. That may seem hard at times, but the Holy Spirit fills you with supernatural joy when you choose to rejoice.

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How has joy flowed in your life? Share in the comment section below.


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  1. Ruth Moore November 4, 2021 at 7:27 am - Reply


  2. Sameer February 11, 2022 at 12:40 am - Reply

    I choose to rejoice.Joy is flowing in my life by way of the TAGR academy in India and the TAGR community in India.
    More Power To You Billy for .this Daily Promise devotion. Thank You.Thank You.Thank You.

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