Today’s Promise

March 17, 2022

I Give You Strength

He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the powerless.
Isaiah 40:29

Do You Need Strength?

Do you ever feel weary and worn out? Ever feel weak and in need of strength? I have a powerful promise for you.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to grow weary. We work longer hours and at a faster pace than ever before. It seems we are always compressing deadlines and timeframes. The pressure to get things done wears on us all. Weariness has become the word of the day.

Supernatural Strength

As Christians, God promises us supernatural strength and power. In the verse just before this promise, Isaiah reminds us that God never grows tired or weary. There is no limit to His abilities and power. He offers renewed strength to everyone who calls on Him.

Right after this verse, God gives us the secret to tapping into His supernatural strength and power. Those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength. When you put your trust in Him, He strengthens and empowers you.

Weariness is often an indication of trying to live by your strength and power. If you are weary today, maybe it’s time to turn some things over to the Lord.

What God Wants Done

You will never get done all those things you think you need to do. Most of us have an overflowing to-do list. However, you can accomplish everything God wants you to do. As you trust in Him, He will renew your strength. Besides, it’s not about your strength but His strength in you.

Today God is strengthening you. You have His power flowing through you to accomplish all He wants you to do. When you are weary and feel like you just can’t go on, put your trust in the Lord. He will strengthen you. When you feel powerless to face the problems of the day, trust in the Lord, and He will empower you as never before.

Look at that promise one more time.

He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the powerless. – Isaiah 40:29 (HCSB)

Make these confessions.

  • When I am weary, God gives me strength.
  • When I feel powerless, He empowers me.
  • God is the source of all I need.
  • As I trust in Lord, He gives me strength.

In Jesus’ Name,

As you trust in the Lord, He will strengthen you today.


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How has Christ strengthened You? (Share your thoughts in the comments below.)

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One Comment

  1. Sameer Suresh Wadekar March 18, 2022 at 7:59 am - Reply

    Lord Christ has strengthened me through His Holy Word, through my unwavering Faith in Him. Thank You.Thank You.Thank You.

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