Today’s Promise

November 1, 2023

I Hear His Voice and Follow

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27

Your Good Shepherd

As the Good Shepherd, Jesus knows you by name. He knows your needs, and you hear His voice. As a Christian, you follow the Good Shepherd wherever He leads.

Jesus often describes Himself as the Good Shepherd. He called those who followed Him His sheep.

In this promise, Jesus gives us three important truths about our relationship with our good shepherd. 

First, those who follow Christ hear His voice. Jesus never leaves you on your own. He leads and directs you with His voice. It is His voice that speaks to your heart. 

Not only is God speaking, but as His follower, you hear His voice. Those who call Jesus their Lord can recognize and understand God’s voice. Jesus gave us His word in the Bible. The Bible is our plumb line for living. It gives us principles and wisdom for living. However, God also speaks to you and me. He speaks in the still, small voice of the Spirit. You don’t have to be a pastor or super-spiritual to hear God’s voice. You only have to listen. Regular people like you and me can hear from God and receive direction for our lives.

Second, Jesus knows His followers. As the Good Shepherd, He knows each of His sheep by name. He knows your strengths and weaknesses. He knows what you are going through right now. He has a good plan for you. Jesus is working in your life today to bring about His plan in your life.

As His sheep, you will never be overlooked or ignored. Jesus knows your name. He knows all about you and has an incredible love for you. He knows when you hurt, when you are in pain, and when your life is filled with joy. 

Third, His sheep follow Him. I am a Texan. I know nothing about sheep, but I do know a little bit about cattle. As a boy, I spent my summers on my grandfather’s ranch. There’s a difference between how you handle cattle and sheep. You drive cattle, but you lead sheep. The rancher drives the cattle where he wants them to go. The shepherd leads his sheep. The sheep know and trust the shepherd. They know their shepherd wants the best for them and will lead them to a place of safety and provision. Is it any wonder Jesus is called the Good Shepherd, not the good rancher?

Finally, there’s an old hymn that says, “Wherever He leads, I’ll go.” That is the heart cry of the growing Christian. With your eyes set on our Good Shepherd, you follow Him wherever He leads.

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is leading you to good places. You should never fear where God is leading you. At times, it may be out of your comfort zone, but you can be assured it will be for your good and will result in provision and safety.

Look at that promise again.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. – John 10:27

Make these confessions.

  • Jesus knows me by name.
  • I hear and recognize the voice of God.
  • I will never be ignored or forgotten by the Father.
  • I follow Jesus wherever He leads.

In Jesus’ name,

As the Good Shepherd, Jesus knows you by name. He knows your needs, and you hear His voice. As a Christian, you follow Christ wherever He leads.

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