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October 16, 2020

Today’s Promise

I No Longer Live in Guilt

1 John 3:19-20

We will know by this that we are of the truth, and will assure our heart before Him in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things.

Do you struggle with guilt? Do you often feel condemned? Because of the blood of Jesus, you can live guilt-free.

Guilt Filled Living

For many Christians, Guilt is a way of life. When they pray, they feel overwhelmed by a sense of guilt and shame. Every time a service opportunity arrives, they feel unworthy for God to use them. Their Christian life is frustrating because they never get past the guilt of their past sins.

Many people confuse guilty feelings with God speaking to them.

Let me give you a couple of things to help you understand how guilt works in your life.

First, it is true; sometimes, we feel guilty because we are. When we sin, the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts about that sin to bring about repentance. It’s important we understand that the Holy Spirit reminds us of a sin so we can repent and live in victory over it. God convicts us for a purpose; to bring about a change in our life.

God Removes Your Sin

Once we confess and repent of that sin, God never brings it up again. God has removed our sin as far as the east is to the west. (Ps. 103:12)

The problem begins when you start listening to your feelings instead of the Holy Spirit.

Some of us have a hard time forgiving ourselves. Too often, we watch reruns of our past sins and mistakes. We ask forgiveness again and again, but nothing seems to happen. Because of this, we feel unworthy, unloved, and condemned.

False Guilt

This is false guilt. It is a tool of Satan to keep your beaten down and ashamed. When you experience guilt or conviction, but there is nothing you can do about it; it’s false guilt. When you confess your sin, but you still feel condemned, it’s false guilt.

Satan uses this false guilt to make you feel bad and keep you condemned. You don’t move forward in your walk with the Lord because your false guilt is always before you.
God desires for you to live a guilt-free life by the power of the Holy Spirit. When you sin, you repent, receive forgiveness, and move forward in your Christian life.

Look at that promise again.

We will know by this that we are of the truth, and will assure our heart before Him in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things. – 1 John 3:19-20

Make these confessions.

  • In Jesus Christ, I am free from guilt and condemnation.
  • I understand that sometimes my heart condemns me.
  • I will listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice over what my heart says.
  • I live guilt-free because of the blood of Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Name,

Over the next 4 years, our goal is to encourage 10,000 pastors over the next four years by mobilizing church members to pray for their pastors. God has placed an incredible challenge and opportunity before us. You can find out more about our new Praying For Pastors by watching Sunday night’s program. Go to for more information.

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