Today’s Promise

August 10, 2022

Jesus is Your Sure Anchor

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil.
Hebrews 6:19

You Need an Anchor
When you put your faith in Christ, He becomes an anchor that holds you steady when the winds and waves of life come. 

There is no question that you will face some rough seas at some point. 

Sometimes you may feel like you are about to sink. The world presses in from every side, and you aren’t sure what your next step should be. You feel like you are being pushed along by the currents of the storm.

When the winds blow and the waves crash over your life, you have a strong anchor to keep you safe and grounded.

Your Anchor is Jesus
Your sure anchor is Jesus Christ. Your faith in Him gives hope for the future and security for today. As you trust in Him, He keeps you safe and secure in the storm.

With Christ as your anchor, you have an assurance of salvation, hope for all eternity, and a relationship with the living God.

When Christ is your anchor, He keeps you from drifting into dangerous waters. You won’t be dragged around by the lies of the world around you.

With Christ as your anchor, He holds you firm and stable while the world around you drifts toward destruction.

No matter what you are facing today, Jesus is your secure anchor. Rest in Him and draw on His strength. You can lean on Him amid any storm and find He is the secure anchor you need.

Look at that promise again.

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil. – Hebrews 6:19

Make these confessions

  • Jesus is my sure anchor.
  • He keeps me safe and secure.
  • When the winds blow, and the storm rises, He is my anchor.
  • Jesus is my eternal security and my hope for all eternity.

In Jesus’ name,

When you put your faith in Christ, He becomes an anchor that holds strong no matter how the wind blows or waves rise.

School is starting around the country, and your child or grandchild needs your prayer covering. Over the next few weeks, they will experience new challenges and be exposed to new temptations. They will meet new friends and face new social pressures like never before.

They need your prayer covering. Praying for Students will help you pray more effectively for your child or grandchild. When you sign up for Praying for Students, I’ll send you a daily email with a topic, scripture, and sample prayer to help you pray for your student. You can sign up for free at

What are you trusting Jesus to be your anchor? (Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.)

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  1. David Penley August 10, 2022 at 7:23 am - Reply

    Jesus is my anchor. Today and for eternity.

  2. Sameer August 11, 2022 at 12:36 pm - Reply

    When I go through difficulties and challenges, Jesus does not let me give up. He is my sure Anchor. He loves me. Thank You Lord. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

  3. Rahila August 11, 2022 at 10:31 pm - Reply

    1. Safety and security of our nation , Nigeria
    2. Completion of our family building project
    3. Appointed time for my promotion at work
    4. Safety and protection of my family and loved ones

  4. Jason Ngarotata October 25, 2022 at 12:40 pm - Reply

    King Jesus Christ said I am the King Jesus Christ
    who sat down on the throne of the King Jesus Christ
    in the throne room of the King Jesus Christ
    in heaven says the King Jesus Christ

  5. Joseph Adebija April 10, 2023 at 9:31 pm - Reply

    Times are so hard that it’s almost impossible to meetup with financial obligations.
    Please and please Jesus my anchor make a way for me. Help me to pay my children school fees and financial up keep. Help me to pay my contributions and responsibilities in church.
    Save me from my enemies threat and evil plans to strangle me.
    Fight my battles for me.
    Still the storms surrounding me.
    Bless me with ideas and make me fruitful in my business.

  6. Ezekiel Khunou April 21, 2023 at 7:41 am - Reply

    No matter how far the winds scatter me the Lord my God brings me back to the path of righteousness and there I remain through prayer and trust unto Him who gave His only beloved son Jesus Christ so we may have everlasting life. Amen.

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