Today’s Promise

May 20, 2024

Jesus Made You Part of His Kingdom

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.
Colossians 1:13

Once, you were a slave and part of the kingdom of darkness. Now, because of your faith in Christ, you are part of God’s kingdom, the Kingdom of Light.

The Invisible Kingdom

There are two invisible kingdoms in this world: the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of Light. The kingdom of darkness is ruled by Satan and is set on your destruction. The kingdom of light is the kingdom of God and gives life, love, and freedom.

Because of your sinful nature, you were born into the kingdom of darkness. You were a slave and under the rule of that kingdom. Satan had you under His control. Because of this, you would choose sin over obedience to Christ every time.

The Kingdom of Christ

However, when you came to Christ in faith, God transferred you from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of Christ. He set you free from the power of sin and the power Satan had over you. You have a new allegiance and a new master. Through faith, you are now a citizen in the kingdom of God.

As a citizen of God’s kingdom, you live under the protection and care of Christ. You live in this world as a foreigner, as a traveler, as one who is just passing through.

The kingdom of darkness no longer has power or claim over you. You live as an empowered member of the kingdom of Christ.` As a member of His kingdom, you have everything Christ has to offer.

You can walk in victory today because you are now part of the kingdom of Christ.

Look at that promise again.

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son. – Colossians 1:13

Make these confessions.

  • I am no longer a member of the kingdom of darkness.
  • I am now a citizen of the Kingdom of Christ.
  • Jesus is my Lord and King.
  • I live in victory today because Christ has made me part of His kingdom.

In Jesus’ name,

The power of sin has been broken, and Satan has no claim on you. Through your faith in Christ, you are now a citizen of heaven.

If you have gone through Praying for Him or Praying for Her, let me encourage you to sign up for Praying for Him 365 or Praying for Her 365. Every morning, I’ll send you an email prayer reminder with a scripture to claim, a topic, and a sample prayer to get you started.

Guys go to, and ladies, go to Click on the “Keep it Going” on the top right of the screen. Every day my wife texts me the Praying for Him prayer text. Even though I wrote the text, it is always an encouragement to me. It’s a daily reminder of her love and prayer for me.

Do you see yourself as part of the Kingdom of God? (Share your experience in the comments below.) 


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  1. Karen May 20, 2024 at 6:26 am - Reply

    Yes, absolutely I see myself as part of God’s Kingdom by His grace. Amen 🙏

  2. Omer Hughes May 20, 2024 at 6:26 am - Reply

    Amen talk to him everyday and he helps me see the light and the way.🙏😇

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