Today’s Promise

August 1, 2023

Reading God’s Word Builds Your Faith

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17

Growing Your Faith
We all want to grow in our faith. Today’s promise gives us a better understanding of how faith grows.

If you want to grow in your faith, you must spend time in God’s Word. No other practice will help build your faith, like reading and studying the Bible. The Bible is the foundation of the Christian faith. So many Christians flounder in their walk with God because they don’t spend time reading the Bible and allowing God’s Word to penetrate their hearts. To grow in your faith, God’s Word must become the cornerstone of your life.

A Transforming Book
The Bible is a transformational book. If you allow it, it will reshape your thinking and change your life. It will give you guidance, wisdom and help you align your life with God’s will.

Your faith grows as you spend time in the Word of God. To get started, find a Bible you can understand. There are many good translations available that aren’t difficult to read. I personally like the English Standard Version, the New American Standard Version, and even the New Living Translation. Spend some time every day reading and studying the Bible. Finding a great church where the pastor preaches and teaches the Word of God will also help strengthen your faith.

More Than Reading
Finally, don’t just read the Bible. As you read, ask God to open your heart and let it speak to you. Find ways to apply what you read to your daily life. Let the Holy Spirit move God’s Word from your head to your heart.

As you spend time in God’s Word each day, you will be amazed at how your faith grows and your Christian life matures.

Look at this promise again.

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. – Romans 10:17

Make these confessions.

  • God’s word is the foundation of my faith.
  • My faith grows as I read and study the Bible.
  • When I read the Bible, I ask God to speak to me.
  • I commit to spending time reading the Bible every day this week.

In Jesus’ name,

The Word of God awakens your faith. It teaches you what God is like, how to live the Christian life, and inspires you to be all God has called you to be.

At The Daily Promise, my heart is to bring God’s Word to people around the world. This year people from 193 countries have read or listened to The Daily Promise. Your financial support helps send the positive message of God’s goodness worldwide. During these summer months, your support is needed even more. Ask the Lord how you can help by making a monthly donation to keep the Daily Promise going. Go to CLICK HERE to make your tax-deductible gift today.

How often do you read the Bible? (Daily, Weekly, or Rarely)  (Share your thoughts in the comments below.)

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  1. Eric August 1, 2023 at 5:36 am - Reply


  2. David Soldan August 1, 2023 at 11:37 am - Reply

    Daily. I would not be able to survive without reading God’s Word everyday.

  3. Linda August 1, 2023 at 4:26 pm - Reply

    Almost daily. When I miss a day, it is very evident in my life. Sometimes it is like a shipwreck, so I try not to ever miss a day even if it means I read at night. Thank you, Father for your mercy and kindness! In Jesus’ name!

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