Today’s Promise
February 5, 2025
Seek First His Kingdom
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33
Seek God’s Kingdom
Jesus gave us a simple principle for finding fulfillment and purpose in life. When we seek the kingdom of God, everything else falls into place.
Right before this verse, Jesus commands us not to worry about what we eat, drink, or wear. We get so focused on these other things that if we aren’t careful, we can miss the kingdom of God.
Jesus turned our thinking upside down when He promised that everything would be given to those who make the kingdom of God their priority. So often, we think, if I can get everything together, then I will find fulfillment. Jesus says, make the Kingdom of God the number one thing in your life, and fulfillment and satisfaction will follow.
Your Main Focus
As you make the Kingdom of God your main focus, everything else takes care of itself.
In Daniel Kolenda’s book, “Live Before You Die,” Daniel gives some practical advice about this promise. He says,
If you want to know what job God has for you, seek His kingdom, and you’ll find your occupation!
If you want to know who you should marry – seek His kingdom, and you’ll find your spouse!
If you want to know where you should go to college – seek His Kingdom, and you’ll land in the right school!
If you want to know where you should live – seek His kingdom, and He’ll lead you to the right geographical location!
Can it really be that simple? Can this one promise really be the secret to finding out God’s will? My friend, these are not my words. These are not the words of a philosopher or a preacher. These are the words of the Son of God Himself.”
When your relationship with Christ is the priority, when you submit yourself to His will and leadership, all the other areas of life come together. As you learn to live and follow the kingdom of God, you find everything else is added to you.
Look at that promise again.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. – Matthew 6:33
Make these confessions.
- As I seek the kingdom of God, everything else falls into place.
- I seek the Kingdom of God by making Christ my priority.
- Today, I am making the kingdom of God my focus.
- I look forward to all God brings into my life.
In Jesus’ Name,
Stop worrying about so many things. Make Jesus and His kingdom the priority of your life, and everything else will fall into place.
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How has making God’s kingdom a priority made a difference in your life? (Share your thoughts in the comment section below)
Yes ! Definately👍🙏😇
Looking forward to starting my day with a promise from God to carry me through today and everyday.
Knowing that this is will for us. When we go to him for everything in our lives and ask for His will be done we will be guided 🙏
I look forward to making god the kingdom of my life today. Amen
JESUS promised if we would seek His kingdom and His righteousness we would find both, plus get our needs met. He keeps His promises.