Today’s Promise

June 3, 2024

The Lord is Your Hiding Place

You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with joyful shouts of deliverance.
Psalm 32:7

When problems and troubles come, you have a hiding place. The Lord Jesus promises protection when there’s nowhere else to run.

You Are my Hiding Place

I love the way this promise begins. You are my hiding place. The psalmist declares his complete confidence in God and God’s ability to protect Him. 

You have a hiding place, a place of refuge when problems and troubles come your way. That place of refuge is personal to you. God is not a hiding place, but your hiding place. Your hiding place is welcoming, strong, and familiar. Your hiding place is safe and made just for you. It feels like home.

Sometimes, troubles and difficulties seem to pile up all around you. You may be going through such a time right now. Problems can feel like they are seeking you out and hunting you down. At times, life has a way of wearing you down. During those times, you have a hiding place of protection and restoration. When the day’s stresses overwhelm you and the enemy is attacking from all sides, you can run to your hiding place. 

It’s Not a Location

Your hiding place is not a location but a person. God is your hiding place. He covers you on all sides and protects you from the enemy’s attack. He is always available and always ready to come to your aid.

When you run to Him, you find protection, security, and restoration. Your troubles will have no lasting effect because God’s protection covers you.

Because you have a secure place of protection, you can lift your voice in praise and thanksgiving. Because God has placed a wall of protection all around you, you can sing of your deliverance in Him. He is bringing healing and restoration to you today.

When troubles and problems are chasing you, run to your hiding place, the Lord Jesus. He is your security and protection.

Look at the promise once again.

You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with joyful shouts of deliverance. – Psalm 32:7 

Make these confessions.

  • When trouble comes, I have a hiding place.
  • God will preserve me through my troubles.
  • He will cover me on all sides.
  • Jesus is my hiding place.

In Jesus’ Name,

When problems surround you, and you feel overwhelmed, run to your hiding place. God will provide protection and provision in your time of need.

If The Daily Promise is a blessing to you, share it with a friend. Right now, everyone can use an encouraging word from God’s Word.

How has God been your hiding place? (Share your thoughts in the comment section below.)

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  1. Karen June 3, 2024 at 5:54 am - Reply

    God has been my hiding place by giving him all my burdens. I know I can always go to him in prayer and I know he is working behind the scenes on my behalf to turn the situation around.. We can count on his promises towards us.🙏

  2. Omer June 3, 2024 at 6:42 am - Reply

    I have ran to him numerous times when he has protected me and hid me. Praise God almighty and Jesus Holy Spirit.

  3. Travis Johnson June 3, 2024 at 11:26 am - Reply

    Thank You Lord, for providing us a refuge from the attacks of the enemy and the wearing effects of the world.

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