Today’s Promise

April 16, 2022

The Resurrection Promise

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and He said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day.
Luke 24:45-46

The Resurrection Changes Everything

The resurrection of Jesus changed everything. When He rose from the dead, He conquered death and offered us new life both now and for all eternity.

Some call Easter the Super Bowl Sunday of the Christian Church. There is no question it is the most important day in the church calendar. Without Easter, there simply is no Christianity.

Easter is all about the resurrection of Christ. His resurrection sets Christianity apart from all other religions. You can go to the grave of any other religious leader, but when you go to the tomb of Jesus, you find it empty. He is not there; He is risen!

Death is Defeated

When Jesus stepped out of the grave that first Easter morning, He defeated death and the grave. He proved He was more than a good teacher. He was the Son of God.

Because Jesus conquered death, the fear of death was destroyed forever. Death would no longer be the last chapter. The power of death has been destroyed.

Because Jesus overcame death, He can offer life to you and me. Because of the resurrection, you don’t have to fear death. Because Jesus rose from the dead, you know you will be raised to life and spend eternity with Him.

Take a few minutes this weekend to celebrate and thank God for the resurrection of Christ. Remember that you don’t have to fear death. Celebrate the new life you have in Christ because of the resurrection.

Look at that promise again.

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and He said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day. – Luke 24:45-46

Make these confessions.

  • After three days in the grave, Jesus rose from the dead.
  • Because Jesus overcame death, I do not fear the grave.
  • Because Jesus rose from the dead, He offers eternal life to me.
  • Father, thank you for the resurrection of Christ.

In Jesus’ name,

Because Jesus rose from the grave, the power of death has been destroyed. We don’t fear death because we know the giver of life.


As always, thanks to all our partners who, through their support, keep The Daily Promise going.

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How does knowing that God is thinking of you effect your fear, worry, or concern? (Share your thoughts in the comments below.)

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