Today’s Promise

April 13, 2023

You Are Always on God’s Mind

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with You.
Psalm 139:17-18

God is Thinking of You

Today’s promise is a reminder that God is always thinking of you. You are always on His mind.

Stop for just a moment and consider this. Right now, God is thinking about you. You have His attention. He is pouring his love over you as he thinks about you today. You will never comprehend the number of precious thoughts He has toward you.

As the father of three grown children, I think about my kids many times a day. Sometimes it’s a fond memory of the past. Sometimes it’s a wish to see them soon, and sometimes it’s just a father hoping everything is well and they are making wise decisions. A loving parent is always thinking about their children.

Your Loving Father

As your loving Heavenly Father, God is thinking about you. His thoughts toward you are innumerable.

The number of stars you can see on a clear spring night is more than you can count.

If you walked along a sandy beach on a hot summer day, you could never count the grains of sand along the water’s edge. In the same way, you can never begin to count the number of wonderful thoughts your Heavenly Father has toward you.

When he wakes up in the middle of the night, the Psalmist says that he remembers how much God loves him and how God is thinking about him.

The next time fear or worry have you awake in the middle of the night, remember, you are in God’s thoughts. He hasn’t forgotten you or ignored you. Right now, He is thinking about you. God’s thoughts toward you are beyond your comprehension. If you began reviewing them today, you would never live long enough to go through them all.

Look at that promise again.

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with You. – Psalm 139:17-18

Make these confessions.

  • Right now, God is thinking about me.
  • I am on His heart and His mind.
  • He thinks of me so often that I could never count His thoughts toward me.
  • As my loving Father, I am always on His mind.
  • Even in the middle of the night, God is thinking of me.

In Jesus’ Name.

Be encouraged today. The Great I AM is thinking about you today. You are in His thoughts. Rest easy; God is watching over you.

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How does knowing that you are always on God’s mind effect your life? (Share your story in the comment section below)

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