September 19, 2020
Review Saturday
This Week’s Scriptures
Psalm 16:11 | 1 Corinthians 2:16 | 1 Corinthians 15:22 | Psalm 37:4 | Proverbs 24:16
Saturday Review
Saturday is review day on The Daily Promise. Every Saturday, we review the promises we learned during the week so we can allow them to go deep into our hearts.
Monday – I Have Overflowing Joy
On Monday, we saw how the Christian life is full of joy. The more we walk in God’s presence, the more our life is filled with overflowing joy.
Here’s the promise.
You reveal the path of life to me; in Your presence is abundant joy; in Your right hand are eternal pleasures. – Psalm 16:11
Make these confessions.
- In God’s presence, there is abundant joy.
- Joy is the evidence of me walking in God’s presence.
- Today, I am on the path to life – overflowing with joy.
- I will spend eternity in the joyful presence of God.
In Jesus Name,
Joy goes beyond your situation. Joy overflows in your life even when things aren’t going as you wish they would. Joy isn’t dependent on being happy; it’s based on your faith in Christ.
Tuesday – I Have the Mind of Christ
On Tuesday, we discovered that we have the mind of Christ.
As a believer, you live at a higher level than the world around you. When you gave your life to Christ, the Holy Spirit took up dwelling in you. His presence in you allows you to understand the things of the Spirit.
Here’s the promise.
For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, THAT HE WILL INSTRUCT HIM? But we have the mind of Christ. – 1 Corinthians 2:16
Make these confessions.
- I have the mind of Christ in me.
- The Holy Spirit allows me to see the spiritual world around me.
- I live by faith and not by sight.
- The mind of Christ allows me to live life from God’s perspective.
In Jesus name,
The mind of Christ in you will give you wisdom and insight on how to live by faith.
Wednesday – I Am Alive in Christ
Midway through the week, we were reminded that we are alive in Christ.
When Christ died on the cross, you died with Him. When God raised Him from the dead, He raised you as well. The power of sin has been broken in you through your new life in Christ.
Here’s the promise.
For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. – 1 Corinthians 15:22
Make these confessions with me.
- Just as Adam brought sin and death, Jesus brings life and righteousness.
- I will not die; I will simply go to sleep in Christ.
- Just as God raised Christ from the dead, He will raise me as well.
- In Jesus Christ, I have life.
In Jesus Name,
Your old life with all its sin and regret has died. You are alive in Christ with a new nature and desire to follow Him.
Thursday – God Gives Me the Desires of My Heart
On Thursday, we saw how God gives us the desires of our hearts. It’s not a heavenly credit card, but a promise that His desires become our desires as we draw close to Him.
Here’s the promise.
Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. – Psalm 37:4
Make these confessions.
- As I delight in the Lord, He gives me my desires.
- As I delight in the Lord, His desires become my desires.
- As I trust in the Lord, my delight in Him grows.
- The true desires of my heart are fulfilled in my relationship with Christ.
In Jesus Name,
Never forget that God wants to bless you. As His child, He wants the best for you. As you delight in Him, He will give you all you desire.
Friday – When I Fall, God Helps Me Up
We ended the week being thankful that God knows our frailty and weakness. When we fall, He is there to help us get back up and keep going.
Here’s the promise.
For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity. – Proverbs 24:16
Make these confessions.
- Falling and failing are natural parts of life.
- When I fall, Jesus is there to help pick me up and get going again.
- In Jesus Name, when I fall, I will not stay down.
- No matter how many times I fall, with Jesus’ help, I will always get back up.
In Jesus Name,
If you are down from a fall, put the past behind you, and allow Christ to lift you up. Dust yourself off, and keep going. Jesus is right there with you.
That’s it for this week’s review. I hope these promises have been a blessing to you.
If The Daily Promise or one of our “Praying For” prayer guides have been a blessing to you, I’d love to hear from you. I’m putting together testimonials from friends like you who have been blessed by this ministry.
Share your story in the comments below, or click the button below. If you click the button, you can use our smartphone to record a short video testimony.
I would really appreciate your help in encouraging others.